Stanford Science Bus Project
The Science Bus is an after-school science curriculum for 2nd through 5th grade children at the East Palo Alto Charter School (EPACS), a (public) charter school in a low-income part of the San Francisco Bay Area. The program aims to enrich the school's regular science curriculum through a series of lessons, events and field trips, which are developed by the Science Bus team.

Carnegie Institution for Science postdoc Association (CIPA)
The mission of the Carnegie Institution Postdoctoral Association at Stanford University (CIPA-Stanford) is to enrich the Postdoctoral experience at Carnegie Institution, to enable Postdoctoral Research Scientists and Fellows (postdocs) to explore opportunities, and to empower Postdocs to become leaders in areas of their choice. I was one of the founders of this group and I drafted the constitution (I proudly followed the James Madison’s footsteps). I was also serving as a council member and representing the Caldeira’s lab there.

SOSAS (Safe and Open Spaces at Stanford)
SOSAS (Safe and Open Spaces at Stanford) is a student-run outreach and diversity awareness program that conducts workshops for student residences, as well as classes, faculty and staff teams, and administrators. SOSAS workshops are facilitated by SOSAS coordinators on LGBT-CRC staff. SOSAS seeks to foster awareness of LGBT issues in residential and academic life.

ESW (Engineers for a Sustainable World)
ESW-GT is a non-profit organization that leads student-run projects that promote environmental, social, and economic sustainable solutions to local, national, and global problems. I was one of the founding fathers of ESW-GT and helped ratifying the ESW-GT's constitution on February 8, 2011. I served the ESW-GT board for two years as the Project Coordinator.